saffron lily


Established in 2017, (un)titled was created as a means to build a community and platform for emerging creatives. The aim of this platform is to support and elevate voices in a collective print and digital space. We want to create a space where people can tell their stories and own their narrative.

Since its launch, we have released three online issues, produced a print anthology issue and hosted events in collaboration with Culture Night such as live gigs, open mics and film screenings. We want to create a space where individuals can feel in control of their own narrative, allowing space for emerging and established artists to share their work and stories, learn from each other and create a supportive platform where these conversations can co-exist. 

Our digital platform is currently undergoing transformation and relaunching in 2025. Stay tuned for more.

(un)titled is an independent, developing platform and currently non-profit. We would really like to further the work we do by creating new print publications and other forms of accessible, independent media and events. Not only that, but we would like to continue building our platform, so that we can provide individual artists with payment for their work. Currently, the platform works on a voluntary basis and our contributors are unpaid. We’re working really hard to change this as this is a crucial aspect to becoming what we intend to be. If you would like to support the project in any way, you can donate, share, give us a follow on our socials or simply get in touch. If you would like to support the publication, please share on our social media:

We are always open to hear from collaborators and sponsors. If you would like to get in touch and become involved in the project, please don't hesitate to get in touch by email:

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