saffron lily

Find Your Place is a series of conversations and photographs with artists in their homes, captured online. It examines the current intersection of the physical and digital, sharing perspectives across different cities. Each discussion explores the theme of identity, creativity, and how we find our sense of self.

Avsha Weinberg and Olivia Osby met in math class. While bonding over their music taste, a friendship was formed—resulting in their band, Lowertown. Listening to their songs you feel invited into their orb, a space filled with understated, impactful lyrics and an absorbing sound. Recently signed with the label Dirty Hit, they are quickly expanding, carving out a path for themselves as rising stars. Their latest release, the EP Honeycomb, Bedbug, is a moving collection of songs; at different times, it feels like a diary entry, a conversation, or a secret you’re being let in on, nestling into headphones to feel at home and transported at the same time.

Read the full interview here.

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